The Nexiq 798021 Pocket HD Complete ABS Kit is a complete ABS Kit is
the all-inclusive diagnostic brake kit. This kit allows the user to
get complete coverage for anti-lock brake systems (ABS), including
Bendix, Meritor WABCO, Wabash National, Eaton, and Haldex PLC. The
Pocket HD Complete ABS Kit also comes with a J560 PLC seven-way
adapter, that provides direct connection to a trailer without the
tractor. This complete kit is capable of many things including: Test
trailer ABS systems with PLC communications, Auto-detect the OEM's ECU
system configuration, Read active fault codes, Read and clear inactive
fault codes, Actuate modulators and valves, and Test the brake retarder
relay cycle.
This kit interfaces with the following systems:
Bendix EC-80, TABS-6 Advanced, Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), EC-60, TABS-6, EC-30, and EC-17
Meritor WABCO Easy-Stop and Enhanced Easy-Stop
Meritor WABCO D&E Series Tractor
Haldex PLC, PLC Plus, and PLC Select
Eaton GEN4 and GEN5
Wabash National MBS-1P and MBS-2
This Pocket HD Complete ABS Kit is made to be used with the Nexiq 188080 Pocket HD, included in this kit.
This complete kit includes:
- 188080 Pocket HD
- Heavy Duty Standard, DPF, and ABS Software
- 604120 PLC 7 way adapter
- 424001, 493026 ext cable, 493028, 493013, 494024 and cables.